Installation Guide
At Precision Industries we pride ourselves of going above and beyond to help our customers. With that said, we are happy to provide you with the installation manual for your torque converter. Whether or not you have experience with installing a torque converter, this manual will no doubt prove to be helpful. Simply click on the image below to enlarge it.
The manual contains a step-by-step guide that will help you get everything up and running. If you should have any questions regarding the installation guide we encourage you to contact us. We are here to help in any way possible.
Converter Application Form
Precision Industries offers a complete line of high performance torque converters for street, street/strip, and full race applications. Our converters are available for most all Ford, Chevrolet and Chrysler transmissions. We offer lock up and non lock up torque converters custom built specifically for your application and usually shipped within 3-4 working days after order is received. Submit the complete form and we will contact you with our recommendation. Or contact us by phone (800-649-7866) for any further assistance.

Precision Industries Warranty
Precision Industries warrants that each torque converter manufactured or sold by Precision Industries will be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use for a period of 60 months. Precision Industries’ sole obligation under this warranty shall be to repair or replace, at its option, the defective converter at no charge to the customer. Under no circumstance will Precision Industries be liable for any oil, towing, labor or rental vehicle charges. Our Warranty
Torque Converter FAQ
How can I determine the stall speed of my converter? Why is proper stall speed important? Why is stall speed different with the same converter on different engines? Have questions? Get them answered in our Frequently Asked Questions.

The Truth About...
In the “Truth About…” articles, Terry Hedrick offers no BS and just the facts about building torque converters and the industry. Hedrick offers insight into 9-12 and 9-11 spaceship type converters, dynamometer readings, price, warranty & quality, and stall torque ratio. Get the Facts
Torque Converter Comparison Charts
All the runs that generated the graphs shown used the same vehicle, the same road and in the same manner. The air density and temperature were within 10% of each run. The runs were made using high gear only from a standing start to a length of 1000 feet. The high gear only test removes all wheel spin and differing shift points and speeds. It also shows more exact acceleration figures as well as slowing down the torque converter actions and reactions to make them more visible. The 21 blade stator test was performed using the same torque converter except the GM 21 blade stator was replaced with our in-house machined 21 blade stator. The test against one of our competitors’ torque converter was performed using one of their most popular torque converters and as you can plainly see the stall of both torque converters are very similar although the competitor rated their STR higher than ours.
Click charts to enlarge: